Sunday, October 15, 2006

New Family Members!

Got some new family members this past week. Of course I am madly in love. A Momoko Goodnight Cherry, a Momoko Sugary Cafe au Lait, and a new Coco. They are fitting in quite nicely.

No names yet. Gonna have to think on that one. :)

Friday, October 06, 2006

Rune arrived!

Well, I got my first Rune. She's a Lillian, and I've named her Emily. She's absolutely adorable, and I can't wait to get her a couple of sisters!! I did, however, notice a small abnormality while changing her from her stock dress. Her BUTT is on backwards!! If I turn it around her legs face the wrong way!! Oh well.. I suppose it's no big deal, except that she can't sit down right, and it always looks like she has a potbelly. I wonder if she's the only one put together like this?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

More Momokos to Love

I've had these girlies sitting on the shelf for a week or so now without posting pictures on here.. how horrible of me!! My four lovely Momokos. :)

My Love, My Coco

Okay. I got this girl a couple of weeks ago, she's a Sekiguchi Coco, and I named her Faith. I have absolutely fallen for her. She is everyone I know's least favorite doll that I own, but I don't care. She's got me spellbound. I think she's just lovely. I think I spend more time grooming, dressing, staring at her than I do any other doll I own. And I have more on the way too!! FOUR!! Wow. Went a little nuts this month..hehe

Must. Save. Money. For. Full. Size. Obitsu. Bodies.